Junjie Zhou's website
Junjie Zhou(周俊杰)
Curriculum Vitae (updated: 2023/12)
Professor of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
Research Interest: Social and Economic Networks, Industrial Organization, Microeconomics.
Working papers
- Digital Ecosystems and Data Regulation (with Andrew Rhodes, Jidong Zhou) coming soon
- Games on Multiplex Networks (with Yves Zenou) 2024 revise and resubmit at the American Economic Review
- Interconnected Conflict (with Marcin Dziubinski, Sanjeev Goyal), Cambridge Working papers in Economics CWPE2408
- Sign-Equivalent Transformations and Equilibrium Systems: Theory and Applications (with Yves Zenou)
- Consumer heterogeneity and inefficiency in oligopoly markets (with Guofu Tan), Journal of Economic Theory, 220, September 2024, 105882.
- Multihoming and oligopolistic platform competition (with Tat-How Teh, Chunchun Liu, Julian Wright) 2023, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 15(4):68-113
- Structural Interventions in Networks (with Yang Sun, Wei Zhao) 2023, International Economic Review, 64(4),1533-1563.
- Effort discrimination and curvature of contest technology in conflict networks (with X. Sun, J. Xu) 2023, Games and Economic Behavior, 142, 978-991.
- Optimal selling scheme in social networks: hierarchical signaling, sequential selling, and chain structure (with Chen-Nan Liao, Ying-Ju Chen) 2023, Production and Operations Management,32(7),2138-2153.
- Multi-activity influence and intervention (with Ryan Kor) Games and Economic Behavior, 137 (2023), 91-115.
- Equilibrium Charecterization and Shock Propagation in Conflict Networks (with Jin Xu, Yves Zenou) Journal of Economic Theory, 206, 2022, 105571.
- The Impact of Network Topology and Market Structure on Pricing (with Ying-Ju Chen, Yves Zenou) Journal of Economic Theory, 204, 2022, 105491.
- The Limit of Targeting in Networks (with Jian Li, Ying-Ju Chen) Journal of Economic Theory, 201, 2022, 105418.
- Social Connectedness and Local Contagion (with Matthew Leister, Yves Zenou), Review of Economic Studies 89(1), January 2022, 372-410.
- The Effects of Competition and Entry in Multi-sided Markets (with Guofu Tan), Review of Economic Studies, 88(2), March 2021, 1002-1030 (The working paper version is here)
- Information provision and farmer welfare in developing economies(with X. Fan, Y-J. Chen, C.S. Tang) 2021 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 23(1),230-245.
- Information order in monotone decision problems under uncertainty (with Jian Li ) Journal of Economic Theory, 187, 2020, 105012.
- Competitive pricing strategies in social networks (with Ying-Ju Chen and Yves Zenou) 2018 The Rand Journal of Economics, 49(3):672-705
- Multiple activities in networks (with Ying-Ju Chen and Yves Zenou) 2018 American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 10(3):34-85
- Optimal pricing with sequential consumption in networks (with Ying-Ju Chen), 2018 Operations Research, 66(5), 1218-1226.
- Does more Information-gathering Effort Raise or Lower the Average Quantity Produced?(with T. Marschak and J. G. Shanthikumar), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 69C (2017), 104-117.
- Economics of Leadership and Hierarchy, Games and Economic Behavior 95 (2016), 88-106.
- Targeted Information Release in Social Networks (with Ying-Ju Chen), 2016 Operations Research, 64(3), 721-735
- Blackwell's Informativeness Ranking with Uncertainty-averse Preferences (with Jian Li), Games and Economic Behavior 96 (2016), 18-29.
- Information Disclosure in Contests: a Bayesian Persuasion Approach (with Jun Zhang), 2016, Economic Journal, 126:2197-2217.
- A Newsvendor Who Chooses Informational Effort (with T. Marschak and J. G. Shanthikumar), 2015, Production and Operations Management, 24(1) 110-133.
- Key leaders in social networks (with Ying-Ju Chen), Journal of Economic Theory, 157 (2015), 212–235.
Editorial position
- Associate Editor, RAND Journal of Economics, 2023 - present
- Associate Editor, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2022 - present
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2021 - present
- Associate Editor, Mathematical Social Sciences, 2021-2023
- Associate Editor, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2020-2023